How to overcome your Fear of flying in no time

It was actually not so long ago, when I was really afraid of flying. Like really. Once my mum had to get me out of the car, me crying and panicking, refusing to get on that plane. So how the heck was I able to get on that Bali plane a few years later, trapped in there for more than 20 hours?? Well here are my tips to overcome your greatest fear:


Like how likely is it to crash? Read stats and you will be a lottt more afraid of getting on the road driving a car than getting on a plane. According to a report The Week, the chances of dying in a plane crash are not even 11 million to 1. BuzzFeed even reports that you are more likely to get struck by lighting than a plane crash. So bring that to your mind. Flying on a plane is one of the safest ways to get around!

Turbulences are like bumpy roads

A lot of people freak out when the plane gets into turbulences. I did too. And for sure it is not the nicest feeling to drop a few meters, but make yourself aware of that turbulences are like bumpy roads. When you are driving and it´s a little bumpy, would you freak out? Would you jump out of the car and are afraid of dying? Probably not. So think of that when you are getting into turbulences.

Anker thought

This is actually one of the most helpfull tips for me. Anker thought means that you think of something that waits for you after the landing. Is it your love? Your dog? That smell when you step into your home? Or are you travelling to your dream destination, to the beautiful beach, the ocean? Think of an anker before you get on that plane and remember this feeling all the way through the flight. Just think of the reason why you are flying and it´s gonna get so much easier!

Get you attention somewhere else

Sure if you think „Holy, we are gonna crash! What was that noise?“ all the time, you are going to freak yourself out. And it doesn´t help you anything. So try to get your attention somewhere else: listen to music, chat with your seatmate ( Actually you can learn so much about others on a flight), watch a movie or simply just breathe. Concentrate on your breath and meditate a little. Best thing to get the time flying by is for sure sleeping tho! And while sleeping you can not even freak yourself out. Travel Hack: Neck Pillows!!!


This was me getting on my very first longgg plane ride and boy was I nervous!


Everything is good

All of that depends on your mind. So think differently! Instead of thinking you are trapped when the door is closing, think of the plane can actually take off now what means you are are one step closer to your destination. Instead of thinking the ground is getting farther and farther afield think of you are getting closer and closer to your goal. Everything is a good sign not a bad one!

Give yourself time

You don´t need to be super confident when you get on your first plane ride. Give yourself time to become used to it. I had over 20 hours on my first ride to get used to it. But after that we had to take some domestic flights and the more I got on those planes the easier it was and after that month I was so chilled, it was like getting in a car.


So if you are really into travelling but are afraid of flying like I was, you can do that! This fear shouldn´t stop you from doing what you love and I can say it is absolutely worth it to overcome this fear! So be confident and jump on that plane!

I hope I could help you a little! If you have more tips, I would love to hear them in the comments below!

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